The Camarines Norte Persons with Disability Affairs Office is in collaboration with the National Irrigation Administration Camarines Norte in conducting the Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion Seminar: Focus on Women with Disability Day and Deaf Education in celebration of National Women’s Month.
Such activity plays a significant role in every institution thus, this implies a positive perception towards women in various aspects especially in education, opportunities, and in governance. The National Irrigation Administration contributed a massive effort to making this possible from the accommodation down to its assistance serves as a backbone to achieve this event. Mainly, the Camarines Norte Persons with Disability Affairs Office provided substance in terms of liberating the education and awareness among the participants from NIA.
Highlights of the event are the lecture and seminar on GEDSI on the first day delivered by CNSC Disability Inclusion Officer Ms. Malyn Asay in the morning and CNPDAO Head Dr. Rex Bernardo in the afternoon. On the second day, the institution took the opportunity to launch the ASLATRA an application that was developed by the IT Students: Kit Bryan Aquiler and Cecile Sureta Bobis their notable tagline as to why they developed such an application “silent voices will be heard”. The 2-day seminar ended with fruitful knowledge they gained through the resource persons.